September 18 Meeting – Advancing Food Policy Through Food Waste

Vancouver Food Policy Council meetings start up again next Wednesday night, September 18 at 6pm in the Town Hall Room at City Hall. You won’t want to miss this month’s theme, Advancing Food Policy Through Food Waste. The following presenters are on the agenda for the theme (starting after the break at 7pm):
(1) Tara Moreau – Food Policy 101 – Tara will lead us off with a primer on food policy. She’ll introduce some key terms, and discuss how policy change may happen. The information she provides will help to increase our understanding of food policy so we can better engage with change-making in a practical sense.
(2) Katie Schilt – Food Waste Policy in Vancouver – Katie has been the VFPC and SPEC Food Waste Policy Research Intern. She has completed an incredible amount of work this summer, and is very excited to present our research findings. There will also be some exciting outcomes and action steps to discuss.
(3) Leah Toews – Policy Analysis 101 – Leah is a graduate of the SFU Masters of Public Policy program. Leah will take us through the process of policy analysis using her thesis topic – Increasing Green Bin Program Participation in Multi-Family Residences.

You can download the draft agenda for the meeting here.



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