Member Resources


Next Meeting Date and Location
  • September 28, 2023 @ 5:30pm at City Hall 
  • See schedule here under Meetings tab
Regular or Working Meeting?
  • Working meeting, open to the public
    *We switch between regular and working meetings each month. Regular meetings are open to the public and motions can be passed. Working meetings may only be open to members, and motions cannot be passed. 
Can't Make It?
  • If you cannot make it to the meeting, please send your regrets by email to the following:
Agenda (Public Facing)
  • For meetings open to the public, find the agenda posted on the City website here under the "meetings" tab.
  • For meetings not open to the public, agenda here: to be added
Materials for Review Prior to the Meeting
  • As time and capacity permits, key documents for upcoming meetings will be linked here for easy reference. If nothing is uploaded here, please check your emails coming from the google group (or log into the google group here to review messages)

Group Communication
  • VFPC Google Group: our main mechanism for group communication, all members and liaisons are subscribed
    • Send email to the google group
    • Or, log in here
  • Current members - see list here
  • Questions to Clerks (process, administration, meeting attendance):
  • Questions to staff liaisons (subject matter expertise, input on motions and strategic planning):
    • Jason (general)
    • Erin (wasted food)
    • Krista (Parks)


VFPC Meeting Info
Advisory Committee Orientation Resources
Food Policy Orientation Resources
  • Municipal Food Policy 101 - Presentation from XYZ Meeting (to be added)
  • City food policy webpages, including links to Vancouver Food Strategy and other policy documents
  • Park's Board food policy webpages, including links to Local Food Systems Action Plan
City Council and Park Board Meeting Info
Work of Previous VFPC Terms
  • Motions passed in previous terms (to be added)
  • Annual reports from previous terms are available here under the heading "our progress"