We expect that our first meeting of 2014 is going to be a big one. The coverage and conversation about the Agricultural Land Reserve has been very active recently raising some questions and concerns. The Vancouver Food Policy Council is bringing together a panel of government, farming, and academic experts to share what they believe is the most important information on the province’s ALR for the VFPC and public to know: A Citizen’s Guide to the ALR. Panel presentations will be followed by discussion.
If you care about the future of agriculture in this province, we suggest you join us January 22 6-8:30 PM, Town Hall Room, City Hall.
The panel will begin at 7 PM with:
Kim Sutherland, BC Ministry of Agriculture
Bill Zylman, W&A Farms
Dr. Lenore Newman, University of Fraser Valley
Dr. Art Bomke
VFPC Proposed January 2014 Meeting Agenda
Kim Sutherland’s Presentation