February 2020 Agenda

6:00   1.     Welcome/Call to order

1.1 Land Acknowledgement
1.2 Quorum
1.3 Roundtable introductions

6:15   2.     Consent agenda matters*

2.1     Previous Minutes

-January 2020
-October 2018

2.2 Liaison Reports

  • Councillor Wiebe
  • Councillor Bligh
  • Commissioner Dumont
  • Trustee Gonazlez
  • Katelyn Ling (PB staff)
  • Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
  • Caitlin Dorward (SP staff)

2.3 Working Group Updates

  • Food Cultivation & UbAg
  • Development/Retail
  • Food Waste
  • Children & Youth
  • Leadership Team
  • Community Food Prog.

6:55   3.     Matters requiring discussion*

3.1 Website Updates
-Member bios
3.2 Urban farming Guidelines Update & Report to Council Process – Part 1 [see below]

7:30   BREAK

7:40   3.2 Urban farming Guidelines Update & Report to Council Process – Part 2

8:30   4. Adjourn  Meeting