November 18, 2021 Meeting

Link to the meeting is available here

Time Item
6:00 Call to Order and invitation to use chat to introduce yourself
6:00-03 Land Acknowledgement
6:03-05 1. Online meeting reminders
6:05-10  2. Approval of draft meeting minutes, September 9th meeting
6:10-35 3. Liaison Updates

  • Councillor Wiebe
  • Trustee Gonzalez
  • Park Board – Rebecca Till
  • Deferred: Social Policy – Caitlin Dorward
6:35-45 4. Working Group Updates:

  • Brief (1 min Update per WG)
  • Motion to accept document
6:45-7:00 5. Admin Team updates – Motion to accept Community Agreements
7:00-7:30 6. Discussion on 2022 Budget

  • Overview of proposed budget implications from staff – Mary Clare Zak, Managing Director of Social Policy
  • Questions for staff
  • Discussion of draft motion
7:30-7:40 BREAK
7:40-8:10 7. Vancouver Plan and Broadway Plan

  • Staff presentation: overview of the Plans and draft food policy directions (20 mins)
  • Discussion/Q&A and identification of next steps for VFPC (10 mins)
8:10-30 8. Bread basket (outstanding items)

  • Vancouver Soil Day motion
8:30 9. Adjournment (Motion to Adjourn)

September 2021 Meeting

Thursday, September 9, 2021, 6:00pm (PST)
Virtually (WebEx)

Link to the meeting here

Time Item 
  1. Call to Order
  1. Land Acknowledgement
  1. Housekeeping reminders and
    motion to approve July 2021 minutes
  1. Welcoming New Members
  1. Park Board Community Centre Strategy
    • Announcements from staff and invitation to focused meeting Sept. 15th (10 mins)
  1. Overview of City of Vancouver Food Policy
    • Presentation from staff liaisons (5 mins)
    • Questions/discussion (15 mins)
  1. Elected Liaison Updates
    • Trustee Gonzalez
    • Councillor Wiebe
  1. Nominations for Administrative Team
    • The following members are seeking nomination as the Administrative Team: Carol White, Michelle Reining, Sarah Common, Marc Schutzbank
7:00 9. Adjournment (Motion to Adjourn)

Note: VFPC members will move to an informal meeting space for work planning

January 2021 meeting

Save the date! The next VFPC meeting is January 7, 2021.

Event password: VFPC

Join the meeting

Join by phone (audio only)

1-855-699-3239 (Canada – toll free)

Access code: 146 067 0818


6:00 – 6:10 pm

  • Confirming quorum
  • Welcome and land acknowledgement
  • Reminders re: online meeting format and etiquette
  • Introductions

Leave of Absence Requests

Approval of Minutes – November

6:15 – 6:30pm
1. Liaison updates

      • Councillor Bligh
      • Councillor Wiebe
      • Commissioner Dumont
      • Trustee Gonzalez
      • Rebecca Till (Park Board staff)
      • Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
      • Caitlin Dorward (Social Policy staff)

6:30 – 6:45 pm
2. Working group updates

    • Leadership Team (including updates on meeting schedule/plan to May 2021)
      • February = No Meeting
      • March = informal meeting on LFAP (open to the public, no minutes, no quorum needed)
      • Agenda: LFAP engagement, TBD based on January session and input from members/working groups
      • Proposed date: March 4th
      • April = Formal Meeting:April 1st
    • Food Waste
    • Food Cultivation & Urban Agriculture
    • Children & Youth
    • Development/Retail
    • Community Food Programming

6:45 – 7:00 pm
3. Letter of support for the DTES Food Hub

  • This request comes from Jill and Sam from the DTES Indigenized Food Sovereignty Co-op who came to speak to the VFPC earlier this
  • A collective under the name of the DTES Indigenized Food Sovereignty Co-op is working together to develop a food hub in the DTES to “build a shared food storage and processing facility to ensure a secure stream of healthy, culturally-appropriate food for a coalition of DTES frontline agencies”


  • At the meeting we will discuss the letter and look for a motion to approve the letter to send to council and the funder(s)

7:00 – 7:15 pm
4. Vancouver Food Policy Council – Report of Activities 2019-2020

 This is a DRAFT report of activities that will go back to council and will inform our priorities for the rest of our session, as well as help inform the next session. Please review this document, add comments, questions, thoughts, additions, We will discuss, and then will be looking for a motion to accept the report of activities.

  • hlSJ25/edit#

7:25 – 8:25 pm
5. Vancouver Social Infrastructure Presentation

  • What is social infrastructure? It refers to facilities and services that are usually run by nonprofits that help individuals, families, and community groups meet their social needs, and enhance community well-being. Examples include: neighbourhood houses, family places, youth centres, seniors’ centres, informal gathering spaces, indigenous healing and wellness centres, and diverse social and community serving spaces for drop-ins, resources or referrals. As part the strategy’s work to date, the City have engaged with various stakeholders, including social nonprofits, places of worship, and City Advisory Committees.
  • Your feedback will help refine the scope of the actions so that they are relevant, impactful and intentional in addressing the space needs and gaps for social-serving spaces. The final strategy report is tentatively set to go to Vancouver City Council for approval early

8:25 – 8:30 pm
6. Close/Bread Basket

Next Meeting: March 4th – Informal

October 2020 Agenda

Link to join:

6:00    1. Welcome/Call to order

1.1 Land Acknowledgement
1.2 Quorum
1.3 Roundtable introductions

6:15     2. Consent agenda matters
2.1 Previous Minutes – approve September minutes

2.2 Liaison Reports

  • Councillor Wiebe
  • Councillor Bligh
  • Commissioner Dumont
  • Trustee Gonazlez
  • Rebecca Till (PB staff)
  • Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
  • Caitlin Dorward (SP staff)

2.3 Working Group Updates

    • Leadership Team
    • Food Waste
    • Food Cultivation/UrbanAg
    • Children & Youth
    • Development/Retail
    • Community Food Programming

7:00 3. Matters requiring discussion

3.1 Victoria Urban Food Table
3.2 DTES Food Sovereignty Coop
3.3 First We Eat film screening
3.4 Earthsave Good Food City declaration
3.5 Food Waste Working Group Motion
3.6 Admin – December meeting and extension of term

8:30 4. Adjourn Meeting

September 2020 Agenda

Date: Thursday, September 10, 2020
Time: 6-8:30pm
Location: WebEx Meeting (Virtual) – Click HERE to join the meeting.
Co-chairs: Martina Marsic, Marc Schutzbank

Time       Agenda item


1. Welcome/Call to order
1.1 Land Acknowledgement
1.2 Quorum
1.3 Roundtable introductions

2. Consent agenda matters
2.1 Approve Previous Minutes (June, July 2020)

  • Liaison Reports
    • Councillor Wiebe
      • PDAC Letter
    • Councillor Bligh
    • Commissioner Dumont
    • Trustee Gonalez
    • Katelyn Ling (PB staff)
    • Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
    • Caitlin Dorward/Sarah Carten (SP staff)
  • Working Group Updates
    • Food Cultivation & UbAg
    • Development/Retail
    • Food Waste
    • Children & Youth
    • Leadership Team
    • Community Food

3. Matters requiring discussion
3.1 Participation Requests

3.1.1 Earthsave Canada – GoodFood City Declaration inquiry
3.1.2 Evergreen Canada – “Future Cities Canada – Unexpected Solutions”
3.1.3 COV 2021 Budget Survey
3.1.4 Vancouver Plan Feedback

  • Marc meeting update
  • Post-event online survey

7:20     BREAK

3.2 Film Screening update: “First We Eat”

3.3 Anti-Racism and Tangible, Transformative Actions for the VFPC

  • Draft letters
  • Equity statement

3.4 Ministry of Agriculture open letter endorsement

8:30     4. Adjourn Meeting

July 2020 Agenda

Click HERE to join the meeting


1.     Welcome/Call to order
1.1 Land Acknowledgement
1.2 Quorum
1.3 Roundtable introductions

2.     Consent agenda matters
2.1     Previous Minutes
2.2 Liaison Reports

  • Councillor Wiebe
  • Councillor Bligh
  • Commissioner Dumont
  • Trustee Gonazlez
  • Katelyn Ling (PB staff)
  • Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
  • Caitlin Dorward/Sarah Carten (SP staff)

2.3 Working Group Updates

  • Leadership Team
  • Waste
  • Urban Farming
  • Children & youth

3.     Matters requiring discussion

3.1 Update on the PWD letter and collaboration
3.2 Update on documentary film screening
3.3 Food Waste Working Group Motion
3.4 Anti-Racism and Tangible Actions for the VFPC
3.3 Resetting VFPC: priorities and actions for after August break

4. Adjourn  Meeting


June 2020 Agenda

This meeting is hosted via WebEx. Visit THIS LINK to join the meeting.


6:00      Getting familiar with WebEx

  • Microphone/Video
  • Hand-raising
  • Chat & Q&A
  • Display layout

6:10  1.     Welcome/Call to order

1.1 Land Acknowledgement

1.2 Quorum

1.3 Roundtable introductions

6:25 2.     Consent agenda matters*

2.1     Previous Minutes

2.2 Liaison Reports

  • Councillor Wiebe
  • Councillor Bligh
  • Commissioner Dumont
  • Trustee Gonazlez
  • Katelyn Ling/Rebecca Till (PB staff)
  • Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
  • Caitlin Dorward (SP staff)

2.3 Working Group Updates

  • Leadership Team
  • Waste
  • Urban Farming
  • Children & youth

6:40  3.     Matters requiring discussion
3.1 Discussion about Vancouver Plan and Food System/Covid Recovery

7:00  BREAK

7:15   3.1 Continuation

8:00  4. Grab Bag Items / Updates

  • Supporting Dignified Food Access and Food Security for  Persons with disabilities during COVID-19 (Discussion of letter of recommendations or formal statement to support dignified food access and food security for people with disabilities in Vancouver.)
  • Motion in support of additional community gardens for Hastings-Sunrise

8:30 5. Adjourn  Meeting

March 2020 Agenda

Time Agenda item
6:00 1. Welcome/Call to order
6:00 1.1 Land Acknowledgement
6:00 1.2 Quorum
6:05 1.3 Roundtable introductions
2. Consent agenda matters*
6:13 2.1 Previous Minutes
3. Continuous learning
6:15 3.1 Development 101 Presentation (Public, community benefits, urban agriculture)

  • Presentation
  • Q&A
7:15 4. Great Big Crunch

  • Declaration & Photo
7:25 BREAK
5. Member updates
7:35 5.1 Liaison Reports

  • Councillor Wiebe
  • Councillor Bligh
  • Commissioner Dumont
  • Trustee Gonazlez
  • Katelyn Ling (PB staff)
  • Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
  • Caitlin Dorward (SP staff)
  • City Council Interactions
7:45 5.2 Working Group Updates & Learnings

  • Food Cultivation & UbAg
  • Development/Retail
  • GV Food Banks
  • Food Waste
  • Children & Youth
  • Leadership Team
  • Community Food Prog.
  • Evelyne Saller Ctr
6. Matters requiring discussion*
8:05 6.1 Wet’suwet’en Support Efforts

  • Scope: Food
  • VFPC vs. individuals
  • History: Reaching out
  • Timeline for response
  • Film screening (logistics & funds)
8:30 7. Adjourn meeting

Great Big Crunch 2020!


The Vancouver Food Policy Council is proud to support the GREAT BIG CRUNCH, a national movement and annual moment of anti-silence in  which students, teachers, parents and others passionate about food join the food movement and crunch into apples (or other crunchy fruit or vegetable) to make noise for healthy school food!

The Vancouver Food Policy Council is pleased that the City of Vancouver has proclaimed the day as THE GREAT BIG CRUNCH FOR HEALTHY SCHOOL FOOD DAY in 2018, 2019, and again in 2020!

Come join us for a great big crunch on March 12!


February 2020 Agenda

6:00   1.     Welcome/Call to order

1.1 Land Acknowledgement
1.2 Quorum
1.3 Roundtable introductions

6:15   2.     Consent agenda matters*

2.1     Previous Minutes

-January 2020
-October 2018

2.2 Liaison Reports

  • Councillor Wiebe
  • Councillor Bligh
  • Commissioner Dumont
  • Trustee Gonazlez
  • Katelyn Ling (PB staff)
  • Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
  • Caitlin Dorward (SP staff)

2.3 Working Group Updates

  • Food Cultivation & UbAg
  • Development/Retail
  • Food Waste
  • Children & Youth
  • Leadership Team
  • Community Food Prog.

6:55   3.     Matters requiring discussion*

3.1 Website Updates
-Member bios
3.2 Urban farming Guidelines Update & Report to Council Process – Part 1 [see below]

7:30   BREAK

7:40   3.2 Urban farming Guidelines Update & Report to Council Process – Part 2

8:30   4. Adjourn  Meeting