June 12 Meeting: Transitioning Away from a Charitable Food System

We are excited to announce that we are going to be having Anna Cavouras, the Right to Food Programmer from the Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood House (http://dtesnhouse.ca/food-philosophy) and Doris Chow, Project Manager for the Downtown Eastside (DTES) Kitchen Tables Project (http://dteskitchentables.org) with us at our June meeting to explore our theme, “Transitioning Away from a Charitable Food System: Grounding the Right to Food in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside”. Click here for a link to the agenda.

As per usual we will be meeting from 6-8:30pm in the Town Hall Room at City Hall. As it is after hours please enter the building through the south entrance off of 12th Avenue. Please forward the meeting information to those who you think would be interested in coming . We hope to see you there!

Download the meeting agenda >>

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