November 18, 2021 Meeting

Link to the meeting is available here

Time Item
6:00 Call to Order and invitation to use chat to introduce yourself
6:00-03 Land Acknowledgement
6:03-05 1. Online meeting reminders
6:05-10  2. Approval of draft meeting minutes, September 9th meeting
6:10-35 3. Liaison Updates

  • Councillor Wiebe
  • Trustee Gonzalez
  • Park Board – Rebecca Till
  • Deferred: Social Policy – Caitlin Dorward
6:35-45 4. Working Group Updates:

  • Brief (1 min Update per WG)
  • Motion to accept document
6:45-7:00 5. Admin Team updates – Motion to accept Community Agreements
7:00-7:30 6. Discussion on 2022 Budget

  • Overview of proposed budget implications from staff – Mary Clare Zak, Managing Director of Social Policy
  • Questions for staff
  • Discussion of draft motion
7:30-7:40 BREAK
7:40-8:10 7. Vancouver Plan and Broadway Plan

  • Staff presentation: overview of the Plans and draft food policy directions (20 mins)
  • Discussion/Q&A and identification of next steps for VFPC (10 mins)
8:10-30 8. Bread basket (outstanding items)

  • Vancouver Soil Day motion
8:30 9. Adjournment (Motion to Adjourn)