October 2019 agenda

Time    Agenda item
1. Welcome/Call to Order
6:00      1.1 Land Acknowledgement
6:00      1.2 Quorum
6:05      1.3 Roundtable Introductions

2. Consent agenda matters*
6:15      2.1     Previous Minutes

3. Continuous Learning
6:20      3.1.1 Cross-Cutting Theme Definitions: Climate Emergency
Presentation from Matt Horne, Climate Policy Manager, City of Vancouver

6:40      3.1.2 Cross-Cutting Theme Definitions: Climate Emergency

Q&A period

7:30      3.2 Liaison Reports

  • Councillor Wiebe
  • Councillor Bligh
  • Commissioner Dumont
  • Trustee Gonzalez
  • Megan Herod/Katelyn Ling (PB staff)
  • Rachel Telling (Sustainability Staff)
  • Caitlin Dorward/Sarah Carten (SP Staff)

7:45      3.3 Working Group Updates

  • Food Cultivation & UbAg
  • Development/Retail
  • Food Waste
  • Children & Youth
  • Leadership Team

8:00      3.4 Eat Think Vote Town Hall update

4. Matters Requiring Discussion
8:05      4.1 Position & Call to Action

  • Global Climate Strike
  • Community Gardens (class 8 conversion)
  • BC Gov Food Security Consultation (online)
  • Other Business

8:30      Adjourn  Meeting