City of Vancouver accepting applications for 2017-18 VFPC term

The current term of the VFPC ends on February 28th, 2017 and the City of Vancouver is currently accepting applications for the 2017-18 VFPC term. If you are interested in joining the VFPC for next term, now is the time to apply!

FAQs about VFPC membership and the application process:

Q: Who is eligible to apply?
A:  All the eligibility criteria is available on this City of Vancouver website.

Q: How can I prepare a stronger application?
A: We encourage you to look around our website for more information about the council and the work we do. Past meeting minutes will give you a sense of the issues we work on and the way we work. Also familiarize yourself with the City of Vancouver information about the VFPC and about civic agencies in general.

Please keep in mind that (as our name suggests) the focus of our organization is on advancing and supporting municipal policy, so our work is distinct from that of the many community organizations delivering food systems programming across Vancouver. The VFPC is the place for you if you have an interest in municipal policy as it relates to our food system in Vancouver.

If you want to chat with a current VFPC member to get more information, please email us at so that we can connect you with someone.

Q: What time commitment is expected of members? 
A: Our goal is to have an active council where members contribute at meetings, online, and in working groups. The minimum expectation is that members prepare for and attend monthly meetings (10/year) (please check your availability for 2017 meeting dates, posted here), but all members are also encouraged to join at least one of our Working Groups. Working Groups typically meet about once/month outside of full council meetings. You can find out about current Working Groups here (note that we are open to the formation of new groups based on future emerging priorities of the City and/or the interests of VFPC members).

Overall, the time commitment involved in being an active VFPC member varies for person to person and month to month. But as an example, in a typical month one might spend 1 hour preparing for the full council meeting, 2.5 hours at the full council meeting, 1-2 hours in Working Group meeting(s), 3-6 hours on Working Group and full council email/computer work, and 1-2 hours working on ad-hoc or time sensitive issues, for a total minimum of 8.5 – 13.5 hours per month. Of course if you are able to contribute more, that is always welcome but we recognize that this is a volunteer position that has to be balanced with other commitments.

Q: What are the benefits of VFPC membership? 
A: In addition to having the opportunity to contribute to positive food systems change and food policy in Vancouver, VFPC members benefit from the opportunity to network with, learn from, and befriend other food system movers and shakers.

Q: How are VFPC members selected?
A: Committee members are selected through the City of Vancouver’s Civic Committee public selection process. Current VFPC members are not involved in the selections process.

Q: When does the 2017-18 term begin?
A: March 1st, 2017.

Q: What is the application deadline?
A: Friday, October 28, 2016 at 5pm.

Q: Where do I apply?
A: On this City of Vancouver website


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